Hellraiser Deader Movie Review

The seventh film in the Hellraiser franchise, which strangely due to odd distribution rights tends to get sold on it's own (while you can get a 4 pack of 4,5,6 and 8) Hellraiser Deader is the story about how someone tried to make a semi interesting psychological horror film with elements of Lovecraft, only to have the script (blog) picked up by M

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Adrenalin Fear the Rush Movie Review

A 1996 science fiction film about the hell we will face in the mystical year of 2007, Adrenalin: Fear the Rush depicts the world as a wasteland of disease. Or does it? I've watched it several times and I still can't tell - however, is movie reviews there something to enjoy in this sickening (blog post) film?Source: Adrenalin Fear the Rush Movie R

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Stay Alive Movie Review

Horror movies are usually targeted at a teen to early adult demographic. With this in mind, studios will often incorporate things that are seen as popular in that demographic, even if they have no idea what in the hell they are. In 2006, it was finally figured out the average "gamer" was indeed older than 12, and was in fact the late teens early

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Movie Review

Before we jump into Freddy vs Jason, it might be a good idea to take on the remakes. Yes, that means reviewing the movies even more out of order than before.. but it's either that or building up to a (blog post) finale on The Summer of Freddy Versus Jason that isn't Freddy vs Jason. That confuses me.Source: A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Movie

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